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Everything Has a Breath

By khosch | July 25, 2024

A word from the heart of God; Everything has a breath.  Such a beautiful word today. The Lord ministered to my heart as I’m grieving again with a beloved family. The Lord reminded me that nothing dies in Him, that everything has a breath. This has become real truth for me because although my boys…

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By khosch | July 24, 2024

A word from the heart of God; Kraken.  My friend, Malik Edwards posted this, “I saw the spirit of death over this nation this (Monday) morning. We need to rebuke it. It’s not just the White House. Something greater is looking to be released from the waters. I believe it’s not God’s plan. Pray saints…

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Stand Firm

By khosch | July 23, 2024

A word from the heart of God; Stand firm. This is a hard word because at times this is difficult  to do. Standing firm means you do not waiver on a committed decision. I’m sensing God reminding us of the benefits of being a person who says something and actually truly means it. Decades ago…

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100 Fold

By khosch | July 22, 2024

A word from the heart of God; 100 Fold.  Profound word today. In the Bible, 100 fold refers to the word of God. In essence, the wording 100 fold is used so we can see the Word produce to its fullest potential, or 100 fold. More accurately, the hundredfold return is simply the greatest possible…

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You are perfect exactly as you are.

It is my prayer that you see what God sees when He looks at you.

These 90-second devotionals are designed to impart God’s heart directly to you.

Allow them to penetrate through the walls and seep into your core foundation.

As God reveals who you are in Him, you will see your beautiful reflection in its truest form.

As your divine SELF emerges, so will all the abundant blessings of God.


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