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I’ve worn the Real Estate Developer hat for three decades providing affordable housing in NYC for hundreds of families.


As the Founder& Executive Director of a private non-profit: The Revolving Door Inc, my second hat is worn to provide mentorship, entrepreneurial opportunities, educational training & homeownership seminars in NYC & Dutchess County.


As a Ministry leader,I wear the hat as the Director of Christ Covenant Coalition. CCC is an equipping and relational driven network for executive Christian Leaders engaged in Church, Culture and Business.


Finally, the hat above the hat is what I would call a divinely invisible covering. As a Woman of God, I lead a social media ministry called 90secswithGod which is a concise daily message of the Gospel shared every day to encourage & inspire. I also have a prophetic ministry, "Insite with Kris", where I humbly coach those seeking divine clarity.