A Shallow Understanding

A word from the heart of God; A shallow understanding. 

When something is shallow, it means it has very little depth. If you have gone through any type of trauma or experienced tragedy in your life, you will understand it when I say you come out of it different. Pain and suffering shift your perspective and the result is a deeper, more mature understanding of what has true value in life. So many people live a shallow existence. They can’t even carry a basic conversation of any real substance. I blame that on social media addiction. Living vicariously through things that are make-believe is much easier than actually living in your own real life. God doesn’t promise us a life without pain, in fact, He warns us that our lives will be filled with it. John 16:33 says, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” I encourage you to go deeper in your quest for knowledge about God. A shallow understanding will not prepare you for the trials of this world. You will need more in order to align yourself with the peace of God that goes beyond your understanding and is above your circumstances. 

You are loved, Kris 


Featured photo by Photo by Daniel Jensen


Owner/CEO/Real Estate Developer, Executive Director of Christ Covenant Coalition, Executive Director of The Revolving Door Inc., Author of 90secswithGod, daily insightful devotionals. Studied at Iona College, Wife, Mother, and Grandmother, Business Owner, Ministry Leader, Entrepreneur, and Woman of God.

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